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Al Ghad Al Mushreq of Social Development Organization

About Us

Al Ghad Al Mushreq of Social Development Organization is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2018 with permit number (117) issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. It aims to promote social development and reach all segments of the people. The organization works towards creating an educated and knowledgeable generation and instilling in them a love for peace, peaceful coexistence, and a spirit of love, tolerance, and brotherhood with others while staying away from partisanship, extremism, and terrorism.

Our objectives ...

Actively contribute to combating poverty by identifying its causes and finding practical mechanisms to eliminate it. This includes establishing specialized centers for treating incurable diseases and addressing epidemics and infectious diseases, as well as enhancing the role of primary healthcare to achieve a disease-free society.

Paying attention to the youth segment as a powerful force relied upon to achieve a Renaissance by discovering their talents, enhancing their abilities, and protecting them from all forms of deviation and wasting their energy. This includes empowering them with awareness that immunizes them against falling into the circle of extremism, fanaticism, and terrorism.

Carry out the necessary work to integrate street children into education and contribute to guaranteeing their human rights. • Work to find centers to contain mental patients for their treatment and rehabilitation, as well as finding homes for the elderly who have no breadwinner.

(Identifying) Defining the problems of remote and rural areas, such as poverty and water scarcity, and working to provide the necessary projects to solve these problems in cooperation with donor countries.

Focusing on human development as the cornerstone of any Renaissance process. Prioritizing women's education and implementing successful solutions to address the phenomenon of girls' dropout from primary and secondary education.

Our message

is to provide humanitarian relief and charitable assistance. We aim to actively contribute to transforming poor families and empowering communities to achieve sustainable development. We also support and enhance the capacities and skills of youth, as well as promote the establishment of small and medium income-generating projects.

Our vision

is to achieve leadership in the field of sustainable development.

Our values

• Credibility • Equality • Quality • Non-discrimination • Transparency • Upholding work values